Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Popeyes Chicken and Biscuit, Changi T3

Popeyes Chicken and Biscuit

Happenstance that brought me to Popeyes (65 Airport Boulevard, Basement Level 2 South, #B2-LF1 Changi Airport T3, tel: 6247 5521). I had originally intended to visit Brewerkz at Terminal 3 but I hadn't realised that it was not accessible for the public so plans had to change.

Their fried chicken weren't too bad if a little expensive. I had never been much of a fan of KFC or most fried chickens in general; so apart from Waffletown and those from Ikea, I don't really have much basis for comparison. These though appeared less oil soaked than the KFC ones and their spicy crispy batter was quite good. They do charge extra if you decide that you want to specify which parts of the chicken you want though.

The other thing I found appealing were their flavoured fries and the biscuit that came with their fried chicken meals. A little bit of extra flavour that did a lot of good for the fries these tasted like the ones at Long John Silvers. There was some fruit jelly/jam for the biscuit which made them a lot easier to eat. Those might probably be a draw for me if I ever come here again. The dried looking rice with beans on the side taste tasted absolutely microwaved so you might wanna stay away from that. It was amusing that they actually provided plastic sporks.


D said...

Man I love Popeye's hey. It's like a staple for me almost. Of course it's a lot more accessible here and the specials like 3 pieces and biscuit for 3.49 makes it affordable enough to be a staple =)

LiquidShaDow said...

I think its almost SGD9 for a 3 piece and biscuit here. While not expensive considering all the things that we eat, it wasn't really cheap for a fried chicken joint. I like their biscuits though. Last time these biscuits left an impression on me, it was McD. :x

red fir said...

oh yes. I remember those biscuits too I could wake up early just for them. :)

D: They still do have those macs biscuits over there right?

Anonymous said...

I ate it on the way to Phuket, it's nice, especially the whipped potato >_<

Btw, I thought Popeye's at Terminal 1?

LiquidShaDow said...

There is one at Terminal 3 also.

private and confidential. said...

If u like de fries..
try Cavendish fries.

its instant, can be bought at major supermarkets.
Cold Storage shud have, i assume.
tastes pretty much de same, and much worth de $$.
