Sunday, May 28, 2023

Avocado bacon burger and matcha cookies & cream shake from Shake Shack

Shake Shack, avocado bacon burger

Haven't had burgers from Shake Shack in a while. Here's their limited run avocado bacon burger which for some reasons is a thing. Just by adding sliced avocado. I'm not saying it's no good but I missed the point since there wasn't much added flavour or texture to the sandwich. Their marketing and operations have obviously green lit it long as one realistically accepts that there isn't much to expect, it's a decent Shake Shack burger which I think is delicious. 

Shake Shack, matcha cookies and cream shake

What we didn't expect was how much we dug the matcha cookies & cream shake; surprised by how it wasn't excessively sweet and that there was sufficient matcha flavouring to pass muster. Blows the pandan shake out of the water.

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