Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Beeflious Don and a few other stuff at Kuro Maguro

Kuro Maguro, Guoco Tower

It's been a long while since we last ate at Kuro Maguro (, , , , , , , , ). 

Kuro Maguro, ankou karaage

Current seasonals included ankou karaage. Deep fried monkfish. Meat's a bit springy and almost approaching crab/lobster in texture in a savoury batter. Nice with their ponzu dip.

Kuro Maguro, maguro ribs

Finally tried their maguro ribs. They're best eaten with at least one hand just like a pork ribs. Unctuous, moist and tender dark meat easily sliding off the bone with a gentle push from the fork/chopstick needing nothing but a few light brushes of shoyu for the salt to bring out the flavour. I'd come back for these again.

Kuro Maguro, beeflious don

What lured us back this time was a deal their had with their "Beeflious Don". Going for $21.40 from the usual $42.80 only on Saturdays this month. Redeemable via J Passport. What we got were torched thin slices of wagyu topped with a bit of uni and ikura on rice. Obviously the appeal was the beefy oil richness which was ideal with some shoyu and the spikes of brininess from the ikura.

One week later......
Kuro Maguro, beeflious don

Came back for the wagyu don because 50% off the regular price was such a good deal.

Kuro Maguro, maguro ribs

Got ourselves more maguro ribs.

Kuro Maguro, ankou karaage

And more ankou karaage.

Kuro Maguro, wakasagi tempura

Some deliciously savoury and crispy wakasagi tempura. These little fried fishes were nice munching.

Kuro Maguro, Guoco Tower
Kuro Maguro, Guoco Tower

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