Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Cheese soba and kombucha from Healthy Soba IKI

Healthy Soba IKI - cheese soba

Did not see this coming from Healthy Soba IKI. Lured by their cheese soba which was just recently announced to be part of their dinner option. I liked it. The noodles were chilled. Predominantly flavoured by cheese, pepper and unexpectedly - olive oil. With a light perfume of truffle. I might just get this again without the tomato paste which tasted a little "jarred" to me.

Healthy Soba IKI -  kombuchas

There's kombucha now too. Lavender and mint flavoured ones. Those flavour were just a little above subtle so it's mostly still that regular tangy kombucha flavour for me.

Healthy Soba IKI - kitsune noir

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