Monday, December 02, 2019

Leftovers from Two Men Bagel House

Two Men Bagel House, leftover turkey bagel

That's the leftover turkey bagel from Two Men Bagel House. I don't know if the name's meant to be literal. To their form, it's stuffed. Turkey, cranberry jam, candied bacon, Brie, holy grail gravy dip (whatever that might be) and Pommery mustard. 

Falling apart as I ate. Was hoping for a bit more sweetness since there's cranberry jam and candied bacon. Bacon didn't have so much candy after all. Couldn't even get the Brie.

Here's the leftover though from this. I've exercised my share of disdain over the quality of local sandwiches. Things have gotten better in the recent years. No complains about the quantity of what's between the sliced bread. I mean, look at this bagel. The irony was that I liked the bagel better than the fillings.

Two Men Bagel House, Icon Village

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