Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Supper from Tsui Wah (翠華)

Tsui Wah (翠華), tea

That would be supper with 茶走 by the way. Admittedly, the reason why it was Tsui Wah was because they pulled through for us by being available past 9.30pm when most of the deliveries have called it a day.

Tsui Wah (翠華), pork chop fried rice

Some greasy fried rice. Rice needs a bit more salt.

Tsui Wah (翠華), luncheon meat and egg sandwich

A luncheon meat and egg sandwich that is superior to most if not all others in this country. I'm pretty sure the bread was steamed to get that soft texture and that was part of the appeal.

Tsui Wah (翠華), fried chicken wings

Decent fried chicken wings.

Tsui Wah (翠華), condense milk buns

Not forgetting their so good condensed milk buns.

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