Thursday, May 27, 2021

Chef Wang Fried Rice (王厨), Beo Crescent Food Centre

Chef Wang Fried Rice (王厨), Beo Crescent Food Centre

Came across this stall (#01-71 Beo Cresecent Food Centre, 38A Beo Crescent) selling fried rice which I believe to be relatively new because I hadn't noticed them before. There were congratulatory flower stands and a couple of accolades put up at the stall front.

Chef Wang Fried Rice (王厨), pork ribs fried rice

Some of you eagle eyed might have noticed and pondered if this looked like the fried rice from Din Tai Fung. Yes it certainly did. Tasted much like it as well at half what Din Tai Fung charges. So that means about the same price as King of Fried Rice - another local fried rice shop that's been compared to DTF even though the chef is a alumni of Jumbo Seafood.

The pork chop was thinner and dryer though. Heavy on the marinade so it kinda makes the rice taste a little bland after you've had a piece. Not complaining though seeing that we're getting the bar raised for less expensive fried rice which is a good thing. It's not cheap for hawker centre food but it is much cheaper than what one has to fork out in restaurants.

Chef Wang Fried Rice (王厨), Beo Crescent Food Centre

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