Sunday, September 07, 2008

Key lime pie from PS Cafe

PS Cafe, key lime pie

I remember having key lime pies for the first time a few years back in California Pizza Kitchen. Recently, I've discovered that these are actually available in PS Cafe (290 Orchard Road, #03-41/44 The Paragon, tel: 6735 6765) and these pies as I have learnt are actually the state pie for Florida since 2006? Anyway, the original ones are apparently yellow in colour from the lime juice and egg yolks that are used to make the fillings. There's mention that the traditional pie makers frown upon the green colouring that is added. Not that I particularly care about that. Lol.

I kinda like these which are $12 a slice from PS Cafe. Pretty pricey for a slice of pie but this has got to be one of the more memorable ones that I've had since that upside down apple pie from Morton's quite a while back. The stiff and creamy fillings in that buttery crushed cracker crust were full of that limey zest which was invigorating as a flavour. It also didn't bring on the feeling of sugar overload. This stuff was actually pretty appetizing as a dessert.

PS Cafe, key lime pie


red fir said...

There's key lime pie at Royal Copenhagen. Looks yellow and delicious.

red fir said...

Tried this last weekend & I was really impressed by ps cafe's rendition. Love the buttery & crumbly crust.