Thursday, July 18, 2024

Grilled sea bass teishoku from Nakajima Suisan

Nakajima Suisan, suzuki yaki teishoku grilled sea bass

Came across the grilled sea bass at Nakajima Suisan (十一十二十三十四十五十六十七十八十九二十二十一) recently. I believe this might be my first time having grilled sea bass. Or at least the shioyaki version of them

Nakajima Suisan, suzuki yaki teishoku grilled sea bass

There's a mix of lean and fatty parts on the fish. Salting wasn't uniform so some parts were bland-ish. Not bad tasting as a whole and lots of meat but what bothered me a little was the amount of bones I had to navigate.

Nakajima Suisan, Takashimaya

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