Saturday, July 06, 2019

Cinque formaggo pizza from La Nonna

La Nonna, cinque formaggo pizza

I came across this cinque formaggo pizza from La Nonna from a recent food delivery so we came back for another go at it in the restaurant. On hindsight, I kinda liked it better from food delivery because it wasn't so hot. Where the flavours from the cheeses were a bit more pronounced and wasn't as gooey. Was glad that my favourites - the mottled Gorgonzola and the goat's cheese were up there among the flavours that stood out. The crust was unfortunately not a match for Luka's.

This could also possibly be my limit for the number of cheeses for pizza since it was so salty and rich. Would love to have it again with some honey. Note to self : La Nonna's vongole is lousy. Might be the reason why it's not on the regular menu.

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